An annual letter from the founder of TopUp-Balance

Dec 30, 2022

An annual letter from the founder of TopUp-Balance

Hello, my name is Mikalai, I am the founder of several e-commerce startups including TopUp-Balance

In order to ensure the long-term value of the product we create, I believe that a company must create value and be valued by all stakeholders.Therefore, I want to start an annual tradition of gratitude to all our customers and people who take part in the development of our startup.

2022 turned out to be a very powerful and eventful year for our platform, we worked hard to provide a quality service.

What we did in 2022?

  • May 2022 developed a new UX|UI design, we heard all the recommendations of users over the previous two years and completely changed the design. Now in interface navigation it is easier to make a purchase faster. We also do not have hidden commissions for the user. Even though in many companies this is a way to increase profits, I believe that this is not entirely fair game.
  • July 2022 partnership with Binance. In 2022, the audience of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange amounted to 90 million users, most of whom are crypto enthusiasts. For many users, it is very important not to use fiat money in their daily life and therefore our products can be bought for BUSD.
  • September 2022 added new regions and new gift cards. In 2022, even more brands have begun issuing digital gift cards. This opens up new uses for gift cards, such as when it's your friend's birthday and you want to give them one shared gift. We will continue to add new gift cards and work on better pricing.

Behind the scenes, there are many other moments and tasks completed by our team. Our designers, developers, marketers, support service operators create something new every day in TopUp-Balance

We are also open to new partnerships with interesting companies.

I thank you our customers and our entire team.

Sincerely, Mikalai - Founder, CEO TopUp-Balance


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